The world internet traffic trend had changed dramatically for the past 2 months due to COVID-19. These changes also clearly been shown in digital and Internet browsing behavior. We have exploring these extraordinary trends for the largest Cloud Security Platform- Zscaler Cloud report, other global statshot report
There are major Internet traffic trends from Zscaler Cloud Report include:
- Video Conferencing Apps-Zoom was one of ten most download apps. Microsoft Team traffic is catching up.
- Accelerate adoption online traffic shopping and other retail site but online payment gateway (Pay–pal) usage are not proportional increase during COVID-19 period.
- BitTorrent usage had spike, indicating downloading pirated content activities.
Let explore,
Corporate Employee Work From Home– Collaboration Tool
While lock down or stay at home order happening in differences countries around the globe, collaboration tools like: (video conference, Virtual meeting room or Google Hangout Meet), have become mission-critical communication tools. The main beneficiary has been Zoom in the beginning of the period, it is one of the top 10 most download apps around the world.
Despite Zoom surge in popularity, Microsoft TEAM still dominates the business collaboration tools in Corporate business user and remain top among all.
Corporate Employee on E-Commerce and Online Shopping
For corporate employee when dealing with online shopping, the traffic to Amazon remain popular. However, due to shipping is delayed by weeks and popular items are always out of stock, the PayPal traffic and usage has fallen. This indicated that consumer (US and Europe) are still busy browsing but not frequently purchased or online transacted.
Corporate Employee – Movie streaming and Download
One of the clearest trends, corporate employee are watching more Netflix or Youtube video on their corporate device (laptop/Tablet) while working from home during the COVID-19 lockdown period. BitTorrent usage has increase, indicating that corporate employee may be downloading pirated content that is often embeded with Malware. One thing for sure, employee tend to more careful what they download content at office and tend to be more liberties at home. Organization should make sure corporate policies are applied regardless in any location ( Public zone or Home).
What happen next?
The trends that been explored have clearly been dominated by changes in behaviour directly attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this unprecedented times, business owner, CIO and CISO force to think how the organization workforce can continue to operate productively and secure the employee from home or any location. Business owner need to plan for new journey of digital transformation with
-Employee can access any application, public SaaS, O365, Internal apps and securely surf internet
-Deliver IT support from any location or any location
– Lessen bandwidth use to cut cost and improve employee user experience
-Improve overall security by minimizing attack surface
At Ask4key, we are the key technology partner for Zscaler Malaysia and Thailand. We are a 100% “Cloud First, Mobile First” cloud service partner. Zscaler have built a cloud platform operating in 150 Data centre across the globe that sits in between employee and applications they access, providing them a secure and fast user experience.
Please visit us at or contact us [email protected]. Stay home and stay healthy.
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