Ask4key Participation at the World Congress on Innovation & Technology WCIT,Kuching Sarawak

An exciting news from #Ask4key regarding our recent participation in the World Congress on Innovation & Technology (#WCIT) event held in Kuching, Sarawak from October 4th to October 6th, 2023.

Over the course of these three days, Ask4key achieved remarkable success by attracting more than 500 enthusiastic visitors to our booths. The event was a fantastic opportunity for us to engage with industry professionals, decision-makers, and technology enthusiasts who were eager to learn about the transformative potential of #Zscaler and #Poly in securing their organizations. 🖥 💻

🙏 We want to extend a big thank you to Mr. Ong Chin Seong from PIKOM, The National Tech Association of Malaysia for dropping by our booth. It was an honor to have you with us, and we hope you enjoyed the experience as much as we did!

But that’s not all! We added an element of fun to the event by hosting exciting games and offering a chance for our visitors to participate in a lucky draw. Thanks to the generous sponsorship from #Zscaler
#Poly#Microsoft and #Redhat participants had a blast while also getting the opportunity to win some truly alluring prizes. 🎁 😎

Stay tuned for more updates from #Ask4key as we continue to innovate and provide top-notch security solutions to our clients and stay tuned to the WCIT behind the scene video soon! 📹 📺

#Ask4key #Ask4keyMalaysia #Ask4keyThailand #WCIT2023 #Innovation #Technology #SecuritySolutions #Zscaler #ZscalerPartner #Poly #PolyPartner #Microsoft #MicrosoftPartner #RedHat #RedHatPartner #Sponsorship #SuccessStory #Networking #EventRecap #Kuching #Sarawak