News and Resources

Lastest News and Resources on various Topics
(click on the categories to view the Topic)


GST 202+ and Ask4GST Health Check Program

  After 2 years of GST implementation, there are possibilities of company encounters GST non-Compliance issue due to initial system setting...
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SAGE 50- Forget your daily Backup!

SAGE 50- Forget your daily Backup! Do you realize sometimes when you come back to office on monday, you have...
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GST Malaysia

What is Ask4DBbackup?

Ask4DBbackup is an Application to automatically backup your SAGE50 accounting data in specify given time & day. The Key Benefits  Multiple...
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GST Malaysia

Ramadhan Special Offer for SAGE UBS and Payroll

  Special Bundle Offer (Valid until end of July) Now you can purchase Sage UBS Accounting and Sage Payroll 25/50...
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Happy Chinese New Year 2015

Here we would to wish our Valued Customers, Partners, Staffs and Shareholders have a enjoyable time with families during this...
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GST Malaysia

Sage 50 (2015) will be launched in Aug 2014

Sage 50 is launching its new version this coming August 2014.  There are many reasons to get your copies of...
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GST Malaysia

Upgrading your Accounting Software for GST

Some companies might have started registered themselves for GST. This is the start of getting your company ready for GST....
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Digital Signage

Launching New XPOP Table Multi-Touchscreen 47"

We are delighted with the launching of new XPOP Table touchscreen (XPOP-MT47)  in Malaysia.  Table Touchscreen has been popular in...
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GST Malaysia

Malaysia's GST is a progressive model   The Goods and Services Tax (GST) will be implemented on April 1 next year, but many remain unsure...
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GST Malaysia

'Many SMEs not ready for GST'

  THE Malaysian commerce landscape has another 13 months to go until the implementation of the goods and services tax...
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GST Malaysia

Why Tax Invoice is Important ?

  Post GST implementation, tax invoice will be one of the most important document. Tax invoice is used for support...
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Media Uncategorized

Media: Twitter Embeds This post tests WordPress' Twitter Embeds feature.
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Post Formats Uncategorized

Post Format: Standard

All children, except one, grow up. They soon know that they will grow up, and the way Wendy knew was...
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Post Formats Uncategorized

Post Format: Gallery (Tiled)

This is a test for Jetpack's Tiled Gallery. Install Jetpack to test. This is some text after the Tiled Gallery...
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Post Formats Uncategorized

Post Format: Video ( Posted as per the instructions in the Codex.
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